


Hello, friends, my name is Jacob Prasch and I have met a number of Mormons. I have attended the “Miracle of Mormonism” pageant in Manti, Utah where I met mainstream Mormons and I met fundamentalism Mormons – polygamists, bigamists. I've met Mormons in Great Britain, I’ve met Mormons in Italy, I’ve met Mormons in Israel, an extension of Brigham Young University. I have talked to Mormon clergy.

7. In Summary

If you really believe American Indians are Lamanites despite the irrefutable DNA evidence, please explain to me how. Please e-mail me; I…

6. Celestial Law

I have a sixth and final question. Your religion teaches there are three heavens, as it were: The “telestial”, the “terrestial”, and the…

4. Unchangeable?

But I have yet another question for my Mormon friends. The question is on Brigham Young's doctrine of atonement. Brigham Young's doctrine…

2. Own Scientists

This question that I have is : In my youth I studied biomedical science and something has developed now that was in its sub-infancy when I…

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