



Hello, my dear friends. I’m speaking, of course, to our Catholic friends, and I mean friends. I have many Catholic friends and, on my mother’s side of the family, Catholic relatives, including my mother. My mother is of Irish-Catholic background. In her family there are members of the Roman Catholic clergy in Ireland and in America and in Canada. I've always had a love of the Catholic people, and I spent 11 years of my youth in Catholic schools through my mother's insistence. But like many other young people at that time I began to question the established religious values of the time and began to do my own seeking and my own searching.

7. The Final Question

But I have one final question for my Roman Catholic friends. And I assure you I have many friends, I am not speaking antagonistically or…

5. Doctrine of Demons?

But I’d like to ask you yet another question. All over the world we are seeing scandals: Australia, New Zealand. Latin America. the United…

4. The Eucharist

But I have yet another question.In the Gospel of St. John 6 I've heard it quoted, quoted, quoted, and re-quoted as applying to the…

3. The Rock of the Church?

The third question I would like to ask is this one: I was always told in Catholic schools and by my mother that Peter was “the rock”.…

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