



“Marhaba. Ismi Yakub.” Hello, my name is Jacob, happy to meet you,

I’ve been meeting a lot of Muslims in Britain and America and other countries and I've been talking to them about their faith. And most of them are quite enthusiastic about sharing with me the beliefs of Islam, the teachings of Mohammed in the Quran, and why they feel I should believe it. Often they will point to things like the moral disintegration of Western society, with which I agree, and they will point out many other things. They will claim we have the same God, and it’s even been pointed out that the Quran speaks more about Jesus than it does Mohammed.

8. Which Book is Right?

Are you one nation, one people, or are you a divided nation and a divided people who needs a common enemy to create the illusion? Are you…

7. What About the Promise of Jihad?

But I have another question. The question is on “Jihad” – “holy war”. Western Muslims like to say, “Jihad is a struggle within oneself to…

6. What About Freedom?

But I have another question. Slightly more than half the world's population are women. We all know that in Saudi Arabia a woman can’t even…

5. Where is the Ummah?

My next question concerns the teaching of the Quran on “Ummah” – unity among Muslims, that you are one nation and one people. Now…

4. Educated Muslim

I have a fourth question for my Islamic friends, particularly the educated ones, those that have done degrees in law, medicine, dentistry,…

3. Mohammed

My next question is: Mohammed was the greatest prophet – greater than Jesus, greater than Moses – al-asam so teaches: “There is no God but…

2. Allah

This question is about the person and character of Mohammed. According to the Quran and according to the Hadith, Mohammed grew up next to…

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