The Call to Missions

Those who know are entrusted with the sacred duty to tell all those who don’t know. Our
commitment to the gospel is our responsibility to spread its message far and wide.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to everyone that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” (Romans
Dear friends and colleagues,
As I prepare for my significant upcoming trip to India, I am grateful for your support and
prayers. With my departure set for October 30th, I am counting on your continued prayers for
the success of this mission.
The Punjab ministry has been making significant progress, and witnessing the impact of our
collective efforts is inspiring. The fact that the Punjab ministry is fully booked with new areas
and receiving numerous requests is a clear testament to the positive change and awakening
happening in this area of India.
If time permits, I may travel to Siliguri for some meetings. However, this is yet to be
confirmed and depends upon the demands of the ministry in Andhra.
Praise the Lord, dear brother Mark Jackson—greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ. Let me inform you about the upcoming visit to Punjab. We have scheduled
many meetings in different areas. This means you must conduct two meetings each day at
specific times. There will be a lot of travelling throughout Punjab as we will cover a distance
of over 300 kilometres from the centre. We will also be visiting border areas of Pakistan. This
means you must travel by car, covering at least a distance of more than 7000 kilometres.
Shri Hargobindpur.
Dera baba Nanak.
We have to work very hard this time. We have two meetings a day and night and travel a lot.
For example, if we start our journey at 9 a.m., we return to the hotel mid-night, like 1 a.m.
We slept only half a night.
Well, you have to admire the enthusiasm for the gospel. This will be challenging, so please
pray for this itinerary and that the Lord will bring many to attend the meetings.
Kothapeta (Orphanage Area)
    During our last trip to the area, the intense heat made it difficult to conduct many meetings.
    Despite this, we managed to hold a few, and the opening of the New Moriel church was a
    significant highlight of our ministry there. Looking ahead, I am eager to start our ministry
    there and be more involved in the ongoing development of the children's home. We have
    already made plans for a roof extension and hope to begin this project soon. This does bring
    with it many challenges to get this extension done; nevertheless, the extended rooms would
    make things a lot better for the children and staff here.
    I am also very keen to get more involved in the smaller churches and house churches there.
    The area has seen some growth, but things seem to have slowed down. I hope to arrange
    street meetings in new villages and see where we go.
    "The small house church on the outskirts of Rajahmundry is progressing as we implement
    changes. It has been slow work, but now we have direction to take this ministry forward.
    Please keep this work in your prayers, as Pastor R. K. is limited in what he can do due to
    being in a wheelchair.”
    There may be an opportunity to travel to Chennai for some meetings; again, this depends
    upon the time and how many meetings I am expected to do in and around the orphanage area.
    Thank you
    Mark Jackson
Moriel India 🇮🇳

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