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The significance of continual mission work cannot be overstated

Engaging in ongoing mission work allows us to persistently and effectively carry out the crucial task of spreading the gospel to different communities and individuals. Through continuous mission work, we can provide support, hope, and guidance, making a positive impact on the lives of many. As we persevere in our mission work, we are able to bring people together, spread messages of love and compassion, and positively influence the world around us. You may find it encouraging. 
Moriel India 🇮🇳
Below is a recent report:

Praise the LordBaptism India 1

Greetings from Pastor Vijay Masih and all church members here at Moriel Horeb, Batala, Punjab.  

The Moriel Horeb church is not just a place of worship, but a growing community. Our membership is increasing every week, and our ministry's reputation is on the rise. This growth is a testament to the dedication and faith of our community members. We are now receiving invitations to share the gospel in nearby villages, a wonderful development that we are grateful for. All thanks and praise to the Lord Jesus for these opportunities.

"(Moriel Horeb Church). This is the name of the ministry in India, Punjab started by Pastor Mark Jackson in 2012; now it's growing day by day. We have the main head office church in Batala, Hasanpura. This is our main church, and from here, we will go forward to do His work more. I need your prayers for the growth of the ministry."

Regarding your visit, Pastor Mark Jackson, Punjab, India, was a great experience for you. Despite the challenges of visiting Punjab, you fearlessly spent over 21 days there, working for the Lord. I want to salute you for being a brave man of God and a true missionary.

Even though it was very risky, and you were not allowed to visit Punjab, you still travelled for over 10 hours by car and reached Punjab via a broken and dangerous road. You continued to praise the Lord and worked hard for the mission. You are one of the bravest missionaries I have seen in my 41 years of life. We need courageous missionaries like you. This was a very challenging time for you, but you faced the challenges and worked tirelessly for the Lord.

"Punjab needs the sound teaching you brought during your visit. When I go back to the meeting places and ask, they are all very blessed and excited about your messages. People want that sound teaching. You preach without any fear and share the Gospel as it is. It affects the lives of the people and is working in their lives.

We had a pastor conference in different locations and all the pastors are very blessed with your messages. They have been changed by the messages you delivered. They accepted all the things you told them in the messages and agreed with them. They accepted the challenges, and it will be good for their ministry. Now they will not mix anything else with their messages because they received the challenge you gave them in the messages. Thank you very much for the sound teaching.

"You have the gift of preaching and teaching. The way you teach goes directly to the mind and heart, touching the hearts of the people who listen to your messages.  


"This visit was supposed to be kept secret, but it turned out to be very effective. We did God's work with understanding. This time, we didn't even have dinner after the meeting because Baptism India 2of the people who were against us. Your focus was on the work of the Lord, and even without eating dinner, you did God's work very faithfully. It was a small meeting, but we were able to reach many people who listened carefully and accepted it."

Pastor Mark Jackson's church is growing by God's grace every day. New families are coming to Christ and accepting Jesus as their personal saviour. I have sent the photos and videos of the baptism. Two sisters who attended the night meeting where you preached in Hasanpura, Batala, later came to the church, asked for repentance, and were baptized. Also, there are more people

ready to be baptized, and I will send their photos as well. This is the fruit of your every visit. Every time you come; souls are saved. Your visits are not in vain; they bring people to baptism. Thank you very much for visiting Punjab. Both churches are doing well because of your prayers. Thank you, dear brother, and please keep us in your prayers always.

I want to bring to your attention the need for more pastor conferences in Punjab. Many pastors in the region are being misled by prosperity preachers who are selling anointed oil, handkerchiefs, soil, shop items, coins, and even apples. As a result, many pastors are emulating their practices, attending their churches, and following their ways. 

To the sponsors and supporters, I specifically request Pastor Mark Jackson to visit Punjab as soon as possible to conduct more meetings along with pastor conference. His teaching can make a significant impact and help bring these pastors back on the right path. I kindly appeal to all supporters to send Pastor Mark Jackson to Punjab during this challenging time. Thank you all for your cooperation and support.

Pastor Vijay Masih Punjab India. 

July 3/2024 





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