Moriel (India) Missions Report. June 2022

Please pray for Mark's current evangelistic outreach among the Sikhs and for protection of our missionaries in India. The BJP Hindu radicalism persecution of Christians is now being matched (for the first time affecting Moriel) by Sikh fundamentalism, which can be seriously violent.

Fortunately our orphanage is in a different area and not at risk, but the evangelism has become increasingly dangerous over the last two years.


Here is our missionary Mark's report:

Greetings all,

Just to let you know that I am settling down into missions work here in India, at present I am working in Punjab and conducting some pastors conference but mainly outreach meetings here.

Things have changed as there is much more opposition towards Christianity and only last Sunday there was a very large meeting in Central Amritsar, in the Golden Temple and broadcast outside (Police closed all shops in Amritsar to avoid any troubles), also the leader of the Golden Temple as called upon all Sikh preachers and teachers to start to go into all villages and re convert those that made decision to follow the Lord Jesus, to convert back to Sikhism? Many Sikhs are accepting Christ.

I have been working with Samuel and all plans are going well in regards to making the Orphanage up and ready for when I arrive in Kotapetta, there are Wi-Fi problems in that area as the Police have stopped the Wi-Fi system, violent unrest was organised through social media and so the Wi-Fi system had been stopped~?

Some MPs have wanted to rename Amalapulum district and there as been violent opposition to that (Amalapuram is the area were we stayed Jacob). However things seem to be moving back to normality, so just to keep you all up to date things are on schedule. This will not have any affect upon the orphanage so no need to worry about that.

Prayer request:
This evening I have the opportunity to preach in a village that has no gospel, this area is governed by sword wearing Sikhs, there is an element of danger and I have been told to move quickly, basically get there, preach, then get out, please pray and let us see what the Lord will do here, I have seen many churches started from situations like this.

The area is, Bholbagah, Mehta Chok, Guzman.

Mehta is the main centre where they want to have Khalistan (Independent state from India), They want a different country from India to be named KHALISTAN?

Thank you

Mark Jackson

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