ਮੋਰੀਅਲ ਇੰਡੀਆ

ਨਿਊਜ਼ਲੈਟਰ ਅਤੇ ਅੱਪਡੇਟ


"Some wish to live within the sound of church and chapel bell.

I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell!"

(C.T. Studd)

I am reminded of a powerful verse from the book of Acts, specifically chapter 26, verse 28. This verse holds significant meaning and offers valuable insight.

·      [Act 26:28] Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.

In these troubled times filled with rumours of war, pestilence, and negativity worldwide, we must remember the importance of our mission. Let's prioritise reaching out and connecting with as many people as possible while we still have the chance. The doors to mission work are closing rapidly, so it's important to seize every opportunity to make a positive impact. Many Christians sitting in churches have become cold to mission work due to current affairs, leaving them disheartened, out of touch, and out of the will of God.

Wouldn't it be devastating to hear those words? Not just "almost a Christian," but also "almost a missionary," "almost able to witness," "almost a soul winner," "almost able to live the life that the Lord called me to live," and so on and so forth. I almost did something for the Lord, but I was too busy doing my own thing, and the Lord spoke to His people through His prophet the following, "Consider your ways" (Hag 1:7).

·      And another came, saying, Lord, Behold, here is thy pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin (Luke 19:20).

Just a thought: this servant considered himself honest as he would return the pound to his Lord with no loss. He was called wicked in verse 22: The sin here is in dismissing the importance of the pound, “IT DID NOT MATTER.”

Let’s get active in missions; let us not be counted with the “I was almost a ?.”

Please see the following report and updates from Moriel India:

India Updates

·      Chandigarh:

Warm greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am thrilled to share my testimony regarding the profound impact of your teachings on our churches in Jalalabad, Punjab, and Chandigarh. We have witnessed remarkable spiritual growth following your visit and the compelling exposition of God's word. Individuals from Hindu backgrounds embrace the faith every Sunday, and our congregations are thriving and expanding. Moreover, pastors and leaders are earnestly seeking to grasp the essence of the true gospel, and we attribute this positive transformation to your visit and the unadulterated truth you imparted to us.

We kindly request your presence again during your upcoming trip., so that the projects that began during your previous visit can continue to thrive. Since your last visit, I have distanced myself from the religious organisations I was previously involved with, thanks to your insightful guidance about their beliefs and teachings.

Thank you for your unwavering dedication to spreading the genuine message of the gospel.

Warm regards.

Pastor Sumit Masih

Moriel Chandigarh

·      Rajahmundry

I'm sorry to hear that Pastor RK Seeli lost his mother in late September. I had the privilege of knowing his mother, Sister Chiti, for several years. She faced considerable challenges due to illness, which left her wheelchair-bound and unable to care for herself. Pastor RK took on the challenging task of caring for her. Knowing she is now at peace with the Lord is comforting.

I will make plans to bring in pastors to collaborate with RK Seeli to support the development of this small house church ministry. Together, we will work to see how the Lord moves in this area in the future.

·      Punjab


Praise the Lord, dear brother Mark and greetings to you from india Punjab Moriel horeb church Batala, Punjab. 

I hope all is well with you.   We are OK and well here by the grace of God.   Ministry is going well, increasing day by day.   


Let me tell you about the growth of the church. We have a new building for the church here, and many new families have started to attend and continue learning the word of the Lord. Every Sunday, many attend the church service and grow in faith. This new building is a great blessing for our Moriel ministry in Punjab. I am now a little busier with the ministry and church believers because people are growing in number. I have to visit their homes and attend the cottage meetings in that village. Also, we have evening prayer in the church from 8 pm to 9 pm. Every day, we pray for various things.


1. Praying for you and your family. 

2. Praying for your supporters who help you to visit India. 

3. Praying for Jacob Prasch and his family. 

4.  Praying for the health of the Teerth and his family 

5.  Praying for Moriel’s ministry. 

6. Praying for your visit to Punjab. 


As we have started visiting the slums, they have also begun attending church services. But now, as the festival season is going on, they have returned to their areas. But still, they are in touch with me and asking for prayer for their families. Every day, I am trying to reach some new people. I am reaching out; it will bring fruits. Keep it in your prayers. 


As you know very well, there are many prosperity preachers in Punjab. Many small churches are struggling because many believers have run out of their churches and gone to the property Preachers. But by the grace of God, we are growing. Our ministry and our other churches are increasing day by day. That is because we pray every day and grow in faith.   


Many more things are happening in Punjab nowadays. Let me tell you that one pastor is in jail because he was called in one village by a family, and the boy of the family was demon-possessed. And that pastor went by his team and beat the boy who was demon-possessed. At night, that boy died, and by day, they buried him. After two days, they filed a case against the pastor. They told him he was killed because the pastor had beaten him badly. Now, the pastor and his team are in jail. He was a prosperity preacher. 

Many more prosperity preachers did the same, and the following two or three ran away by taking church girls with them. These were married pastors who left the ministry, took young girls, and ran away. 

Many developments are happening in Punjab. I reached out to meet with pastors to discuss these issues. Please connect with them to address this misinformation, as it breeds animosity towards the gospel and complicates our ministry.


The local pastors are once again asking for your visit to Punjab to highlight these issues. We’re excited about your return to share more teachings and assist us in organizing gospel preaching meetings. Your presence makes a significant impact here, pastor; your teachings are highly valued.


By God's grace and through your prayers, we are busy with the ministry, and God is leading us in the right way. Thank you very much for your valuable prayers.  


·      Konassema Andra Pradesh:

Greetings to Moriel Ministry from Moriel Children’s Home.

This email serves to update you on the educational progress of the children at Moriel Home since their arrival. They receive nutritious meals and supportive facilities, fostering their happiness and enabling them to enjoy their time at home.

This year, we face natural calamities like cyclones and heavy rain. The government is issuing school holidays on these days. We have had several cyclone holidays so far.

We are remembering Moriel Ministries in our prayers and request that you all uplift the Home Children in your prayers for their excellent health and safety.

·      Moriel Horeb Church

The Kothapeta Moriel Horeb Church is running smoothly by God's grace. Every Sunday, there is a Sunday school service for the local children, and every Friday, a fasting and prayer service is ongoing.

In September, we conducted a special Youth Retreat in the nearby village. Many youths attended and were very blessed. We also held quiz competitions and distributed prizes and gifts.

In the same way, on October 2, a public holiday, we again hosted another youth meeting, which resulted in good vibes in our surrounding areas.

Moriel Horeb Church (Katrenikona, House Church) is also running well. New souls are being added, but more space for worship must be available.  Please remember Katrenikona in your prayers for a church place. Even though it is difficult for me to attend the Sunday services at these two places on a Single day, I am managing to go.

Remember to pray for the church’s growth and land for Katrenikona in your prayers.


Thank you

ਮਾਰਕ ਮਾਸਿਸ਼

Moriel India


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