A booklet published by Moriel Ministries answering the question, "What is Roman Catholicism and where did it originate? Place your order here.
The Table of Contents:
- Babylon and Rome
- Historical Backtround: Pagan Rome
- The New Covenant vs Replacement Theology
- State Religions: Old and New
- Augustinian Theology
- The Errors of Ignatius of Antioch
- Pagan Emperors/Catholic Popes
- Recontextualization vs Redefinition
- Influences of Gnosticism
- Sempre Aidin: Always the Same
- The Effects of Greek Dualism
- Undermining the Humanity of Christ: The Root of Mary Worship
- The Middle Ages
- The Rock: Peter or Christ?
- The Origin of the Papacy
- The Dark Ages: Catholicism;s Gift to Europe
- Aristotelianism & Humanism Are Born From the Renaissance
- The Counter_Reformation and Further Corruption
- The Council of Trent: The Final Insult
- The Goals of Modern-Day Roman Catholicism
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