I request prayer for protection. I have been under attack from the enemy in my physical body, my work, my family life.

Suddenly I have the lone responsibility of taking care of my father with dementia. Step siblings want him out of his house since their mom, my stepmom passed.

They want him in assisted living so they can sell the house. My brother does not have a relationship with my Dad. It’s me against 6 step siblings and spouses. I had emergency bowel surgery over Christmas. My bowel became twisted and I was in a life threatening situation.

My finances will suffer because I have to be off work for a month. I have no support system. I know that whatever is going on that God will bring His glory from the situation. This all began in July when I was mother in law sitting in Texas and sustained a severe sternal injury.

The closer I get to the Lord in study and faithfulness, as well as stepping up and taking care of my family and father the more opposition I’m meeting.

Praise God and thank you Moriel.





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