My mother is an Irish catholic. She has for the last several years suffered from dementia and cannot be reached.

My middle-aged brother who is my mother’s full time carer, has had a difficult past including homosexual relationships and drugs. Together with my nephew and sister, we have witnessed to him and have made progress but he is vulnerable to influence and has recently been talking to the Jehovah's Witnesses.

My prayers are for my mother to have a short period of lucidity. She was always a God fearing and God loving lady albeit mislead in the doctrines of Roman Catholicism. I pray she will believe in the salvation of the cross and have a chance to repent of her sin. For my brother I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead him to repentance and give him strength to fend off all false doctrines. I pray finally that the Lord will allow me to return to my country of origin quickly. We are currently overseas but soon will be return home with my wife and family, hopefully in the coming months. Thank you and God bless you for all you do. I praise the Lord for your wonderful work and pray for the success and continued blessings in all your ministries.


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