When the gospel teaches us its primary work is to bring about repentance and reconciliation and these items are forgotten in our memories we should stop and search out the matter. A number of Jackie’s memories fail to mention the repentance and reconciliation that came out of the events she writes about. We do believe she knows the gospel and we are concerned for her as she dredges up things that God instructs us to forgive and reconcile. Where are God’s instructions that after forgiveness and reconciliation, we are to bring these things back up and make them public again? Is that love? Is that righteousness? What does she really just want? To tear down but not build back up like God’s instruction to Jeremiah? We have to ask these questions.

  • She mentions the public disagreement between Jacob and Phillip Powell and she is astonished at the wonderful obituary Jacob wrote. What she missed was that Phillip and Jacob publicly reconciled and forgiveness was given and received by both. So, why bring this event up if God wants repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation? Was it a failed memory or has she forgotten the gospel?
  • Jackie brings up David Lister’s problems in Pittsburgh at a house church but again fails to mention David’s repentance and his reconciliation with those that attended the church and Warren Wiersbe. Jackie knows David is still friends with “Carla”, with “Betty’s” kids, with several others at the church. David did talk with his ex-tenets who Jackie mentions they never spoke again, well, they did meet and there were many tears. David thought he was friends with Jackie who just 3 weeks ago wrote how he was a “peacemaker” and a little bit earlier than that email, she stated he was, “generous.” During that tough period, David even thanked Jackie for her stand on Truth and repented to her and remained friends, at least he thought so. But why would she bring up a matter that was under the blood of Christ and repentance and reconciliation had happened? What more does she want? What is she really trying to accomplish? To destroy? Or bring second repentance. In a very recent email, she wrote to David telling him she wouldn’t want former things in her life brought up. We are all thankful when God forgives our sins are never seen again by Him. Yes He deals and corrects us in our daily lives, in love, as sons and daughters to conform us into the image of His Son.
  • As to the message board and “Mira”, there was so much fighting, bickering, and attacks on Calvary Chapel, Jacob, David others that Moriel gave them 2 weeks to exchange emails and start a new message board. “Mira” did not take up Moriel’s offer of help for a new message board. For whatever reasons “Mira” left her husband and 3 kids. Jackie states Moriel abandoned her, yet we were in contact with her husband afterwards seeing if we could help, but as Jackie states, there never was any repentance by “Mira” and all contact was cut off. Moriel turning off a bad message board was not the cause for her abandoning her marriage and children and her charge is another failing memory.
  • Jackie mentions our meetings at Pastor Bob Guaglione of Calvary Chapel Delaware County. She forgets he supported the work of Willow Creek and by Bill Hybels. When Jacob denounced Willow Creek, Bill Hybels and their seeker-sensitive growth movement then of course the invitation dried up. Jackie either forgot this problem or doesn’t want to remember it.

See To It That No One Falls Short of The Grace of God, That No Root of Bitterness Springing Up Causes Trouble and By It Many Be Defiled' (Hebrews 12:15).

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