You have most likely heard of the widespread environmental and personal loss/sufferings from droughts/fires, etc. in Australia that is still continuing as we speak.

Dear Moriel Brothers and Sisters in Christ.

This is a prayer request about the many fires, droughts, loss and sufferings in Australia happening as we speak.

  • Please pray (including if possible with fasting) for the following numerous widespread needs and devastation here, including:
  • Pray that God's will be done regarding all.
  • Pray for the numerous areas of droughts and heat.
  • Pray against the pyromaniacs, that their hearts and minds would quickly be convicted to cease starting fires.
  • Pray much rain in all needed areas comes and gets absorbed, to put out all fires and for drinking water needs.
  • Pray that life will flourish (numerous farmers and others have already committed suicide.
  • Pray for wisdom, insight, knowledge, understanding and discernment for all fire-fighters (and emergency services) and for all those involved.
  • Pray that many more people will volunteer where needed.
  • Please pray all these sufferings cease.

Thank you and may God be with you.


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