Hello friends,


I have the following update from Mandy about Tim tonight:


"We are praying Tim's pain levels are stabilised today with his meds.  He needs to have swelling come down and the pain at a manageable level to continue his recovery and physio.  He was interacting with us well last evening but the nights and days have been very painful and Tim is accustomed to pain.  Yesterday the farm team and managers came up to the van.  They want to convert the portable cabin for us and take the Hymer down there.  They are concerned Tim will fall if I'm not there and also his mental health might suffer if he is confined in such a small space.  This will give him windows all around and will be easier for us to have visitors.  We will start to prepare everything today.  We asked for a bed and within 5 minutes one became available!  We know the Lord is in all of this and are very humbled to see the love of Christ through His Bride worldwide, it is a beautiful sight.  We can feel the prayers of everyone sustaining us". 


Please Saints pray for his pain to subside as well as the swelling.  We serve the Lord who calms the raging seas!  How much more will he calm the waters within a tent where His Spirit dwells!!  He is so good and I just pray that Tim and Mandy both continue keeping their eyes on Christ through it all.  But even when we fail, we can cry out for Jesus and He will reach out and grab a hold of us!  We know who we serve.  He is worthy.



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