Friends, we have received a call for prayer from a struggling sister.  Please help us intercede for her son, who has no standing with our LORD.  His words fall, but we can raise up a plea and bring it to the King.  We know the LORD is willing to save.  We know His arm is not shortened that it cannot save.  Please, add your prayers to ours and glorify our common Lord by your compassion. This is her message:

Blessings in Jesus brother. All praise and glory to GOD our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord! I am in desperate need of prayer for my son and husband. I just found out my son is using testolone and nutrobal, black market testosterone substances. I had been suspicious he was doing something as his personality has changed his mood swings are awful and he’s a very different person, he also drinks alcohol heavily most nights. He’s 26 years old, recently moved back home and I’ve been trying to witness to him for as long as I’ve known Jesus, I’m scared for him. My husband is not very strong in his walk with the Lord and their relationship is very bad. I’ve been praying for them both, my house has been pretty much turned upside down, I know the devil is coming hard and I don’t know how to get through to my husband either. I appreciate your prayers as you are a righteous man of GOD.



Thank you friends.

Your sister thanks be to Jesus,



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