Blessings in Jesus

As reported, the area in Punjab where we built and just opened the Moriel Horeb Church is active
with persecution.
The Criminal Investigation Division of the police are now investigating Pastor Vijay and they may be
looking for Mark (who is now in Andar Pradesh with Pastor Samuel & his wife at the orphanage).
The pastor is understandably uptight. They want access to the church accounts. Radical Sieks
may be stirring this up and have probably made complaints to the police.
Opening the new church we built was such a successful event blessed of The Lord, and the
Steve Mitchel Moriel orphanage is doing so well, the devil is plainly angry. 
We had only a small amount of non-violent opposition when I was there, but now the kickback.
Please pray for Moriel India and especially Pastor Vijay.
In Jesus,
Jacob Prasch



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