From Kartolina Tisson (Moriel Israel Team Member)

Hello, dear brothers and sisters!

We are living in very interesting yet challenging times and see before our eyes how again and again Bible prophecies comes true.

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.”

We are trusting that our Lord is in control, but still I would like to ask you, brothers, and  the whole Moriel community to pray for our loved ones, who are now living in fear and being under terrifying bombing and shooting attacks.

I have a family members in Ukraine also, three uncles, my father’s brothers and their families. Many cousins and friends. Please pray for their safety, but first of all for their salvation, since some of them are not a believers yet, although they have heard the Gospel many, many times.

Also I would ask to pray for my parents, who live in Finland. Their condition is not the best and worries about the family doesn’t help it either.

Another thing that worries them, it the rising russophobia in many EU countries, including Finland. There were already cases of agressions toward Russian speakers in Finland and since my parents’  last name is Moskovski  ( ironic,isn’t it?), they are a bit concerned about their safety too.

May the Good Lord bless you all, dear brothers and thank you all for your support!

Blessing in Christ,

Karolina T.


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