Our sister Susan writes:

We've gone through a continual storm, it's been one after another for the last 20 years.

When we were young believers, we were given prophecies (which were all amazing), however, now, my husband is crushed and his faith is hanging by a thread.

He's angry with the Lord because he can't see Him in the storm with us anymore.

We're tired. My husband did his theology degree but was then rejected by Elim fir MIT over 20 years ago. I prayed and asked the Lord that we would stay under His authority at the time. The Lord, then opened another door to serve the Lord in church leadership for  year — but that was difficult, yet we obeyed the Lord.

We've been in the desert since. I can see the Lord and believe He wants to heal my husband's heart/spirit.

I believe that God can heal my husband even in this time of feeling abandoned, please pray.

The Lord asked me to reassure my husband that I will never leave him.

He's only ever wanted to serve the Lord....thank you.


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