Prayer Alert for Mark in England!

Mark asks asking for prayer: he has lived alone with a debilitating illness for close to two years now.

He hasn't been able to fellowship because of COVID but even without it, travel is too difficult for him.

He reqeusts that we pray not only for his physical health but to that his faith will be strengthened and guided and that he will not lose sight of the Lord...

These are the prayers he himself prays. He has no parents and no friends due to the illness' so there are so many factors as to why he is struggling, and yet, he feels there is a very real spiritual struggle that is occurring

Please pray specifically that night time terrors, spiritual oppression and bad dreams will cease which he prays for as  soon as he awakes.

We should alljoin in praying for Mark, he genuinely has no one he knows who  is praying for him.

Let us lift up our brother Mark in prayer.



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