Thank you to all who have recently sent prayer requests, please lift up our brothers and sisters in prayer to the Lord.
Prayer Requests
- Category: Prayer Requests
We have received a number of prayer requests over the last week from believers around the world requesting prayer for freedom and victory in their walk with the Lord.
- Category: Prayer Requests
Please pray for our son who stumbled into pornography as a child and is now facing the consequences of this terrible cancer that is sweeping across our nation.
- Category: Prayer Requests
Moriel & Jacob Prasch would like to request prayer for a long time friend of Moriel Ministries.
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Please continue to keep all our missionaries in India in your prayers.
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Moriel and Jacob Prasch request serious prayer for Pastor Malcom Bettes, who pastors the Moriel affiliated congregation in. Winsford , England.
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This is a prayer request from Sherrie A. in Cleveland.
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Please pray for John , he has heard the gospel but hasn’t accepted Jesus
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Prayer Request: Tina M. asks for prayer as her Dad has been admitted into the hospital.
- Category: Prayer Requests
Update from Jack Miranda; RE: Uncle Marcos