Hello friends,


We have received a request from a dear sister named Esther who has been battling CFS for seven years now.  She is a wife and a mother and her health situation makes things much more difficult.  Her request is this:


"Please pray for full health if it is God's will for me.  Also for wisdom how to get better if there is work I must do."  


Saints, will you please add your prayers to her own.  


LORD, we trust in you and know that whatever we are called to endure in this life, you are worthy of praise.  We ask you to consider your servant LORD and to fall upon her according to your compassion and lovingkindness which exceeds any concern or affection we can accomplish for each other.  The power belongs to You LORD and our bodies as well as our souls are in Your Hand.  Glorify yourself in our sister LORD and have Your Way in her.  You know her frame, and you do not give us more than we can stand.  Uphold her by Your Love.  Make her whole LORD in Your perfect timing.  


Your family thanks be to Jesus,


Moriel team




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