Greetings in Jesus. Following the more recent pioneer visit to Australia by Pastor Marco Quintana, I (James Jacob Prasch) look forward to our upcoming first post Covid 19 itinerary visit to Australia commencing May of 2024. We are confident it will be a time of encouragement and renewed contacts interrupted during the Covid hiatus. We look forward to scriptural exposition with themes and topics conducive to preparing the Body of Christ in Australia for the very challenging times in which we now find ourselves with events of a prophetically significant nature unfolding at an increasing pace.  Events in the Middle East, Europe, the USA & Canada as well as in South Africa, New Zealand, and of course Australia have left all of us in a very different set of circumstances with serious challenges that are quite different from the spiritual and practical environment that existed prior to Covid. 

In Australia, everything from the global rise of anti Semitism to the moral and legal scandals that have marked Australia's largest ministry (Hillsong) have resulted in the need for true Christians to re-address and understand these realities from the perspective of scripture. As our longer standing readers and viewers are aware, we and some others were warned by The Lord to brace for these kinds of events some time ago, but now that they have transpired, an even newer tide of events is taking shape including a claimed 'evangelical new thought' on a range of issues including elements of the LGBTQ agenda having gained inroads into what had been considered biblically based versions of Christianity. It will not be our primary purpose to express our views on these matters, as we have already done that over a prolonged period of time before these issues gained the momentum they have as we and some others said they would. Our key aim is rather how,on the basis of God's word, to come to terms with the implications of these things for the future as we await the Return of Jesus, in whom we indeed have a Blessed Hope. We trust you will be able to join us at our scheduled meetings in areas of Sydney, Brisbane, Geelong, and Perth as listed on the itinerary page of the website.

Meanwhile, Moriel's ministry in Australia has been reorganised with a new board to which we very warmly welcome David Rosengreen, Riana B Reynders, and Pierre Moseley (who also serves on our New Zealand Board). Officially, the new administration and board assumes full function on 1st of July but is already managing the itinerary and publishing the next edition of the Moriel Quarterly. As with the rest of the plan, more readers are subscribing on-line, but this will remain an option. We would respectfully request that our Quarterly recipients in Australia who have not done so already to re-subscribe to the contact below informing us if you are happy to have it forwarded by e-mail, or if you would prefer to receive it by post (Please include name and postal address).

Finally, we would like to express our gratitude to our outgoing board whose tenure concludes 30th June, and to pay public tribute to them for their service to The Lord and to Moriel through what has been a difficult period.

Blessings in Him who Saved Us & Called Us.


JJ Prasch

(International Director)


Philippians 1:6

For Quarterly Re-Subscription:


Moriel Australia

PO Box 427
















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