A soldiers thank youA thank you message from Israel.

For all of the saints that contributed to the Soldier's Fund, please know your support has been very encouraging and has brought comfort both physically as well as spiritually.  We pray that Christ Jesus, our Lord will be magnified in these troubling times.  

We pray that all of this help from afar, coming in the name of Jesus, will cause the Jewish people to question and wonder.  Their help comes from the LORD after all, and they witness it coming in the name of Yeshua their Messiah.  May the LORD be glorified through us.  We continue to send your donations to Israel.  For those who feel so led, here is the link:  https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=Dg0prkytlb5SsO3gB9MDOkQBjfWidVczTtD1sbmaGPXgUxTgYdIsF9XsHYTmOWhwgqzkqwGF0QLD7OcK. Please note Soldier's Fund on your donation so we can ensure it goes to them.  



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