**Trigger Warning: Rape and Mass Murder**

What I'm about to say right now is heart-wrenching, and this is a severe trigger warning for rape and mass murder. But the world needs to know what's happening in Israel.

I just read a report from a survivor of the Hamas terrorist attack, specifically what happened at the rave in the South, who witnessed a genocide with mass rapes occurring. This survivor said that women were raped in the area of the rave, next to their friends' dead bodies. Several of these rape victims appeared to have been executed later. Others were kidnapped into Gaza.

In footage released online by Hamas, you can see several girls paraded through Gaza city streets, some of them half-naked and others with blood gushing from between their legs. If you are a woman, if you are a man, if you are a human being and you are not outraged by this, that is a serious problem. There is no equivocating this. There is no excusing this. There is no "yeah, but" to any of what has happened in Israel.

Today, across the US and in several other places around the world, there were rallies in support of Hamas. The world needs to understand that these rallies are not supporting some resistance movement of freedom fighters or oppressed people. They're not. Hamas is a genocidal, radical, Islamic, misogynistic terrorist organization that is committing, in addition to genocide, rape and terrorism, with one goal and one goal only: the extermination of the Jewish people.

the skeptical partisan oct 2023

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