Dima & Pastor Oleg


November 2nd, 2022

" The filter and clean water system information has gone far and wide. Beryl, we are seeing thousands now coming for water ( may God keep the level high so we always have water - the snows are coming so we look to Him ) They fill many containers and take it in cars, busses or our church transport if they live locally.

Word is spread far and wide of clean water, kindness and food prepared and given for those who have travelled far or are pensioners. Our Church folk are very happy to be able to give this water with the Gospel to so many. Bibles are given also. We have seen many saved. When that happens we try to tell them of a church or group who are known believers. Beryl, who knows how far the news will spread and how many people God will bring to hear the Gospel. Only God knows how many He will save to eternal life. For us here, Your visit and that filter is one of the best tools we ever had for the producing so much fruit for so many of our people. Both Jew and Gentile. All of us who were part of that work including those who gave funds, will only know when we are with the Lord and He shows us. "


and ... quote, " Now we are hoping to buy small wood burning stoves for families and groups of elderly who we find and bring together for company and care/food in bigger buildings where they can stay when we find them on their own. They will not leave the area so this is the only way to keep them warm and bring food. we will also take the stoves to orphanages still open. This is our new outreach for humanitarian aid with the Gospel and we trust God to lead us to folk who will listen to the Gospel message and grab eternity with both hands, for we do not know what is coming soon. We will buy sacks of wood from those in the villages who cut down old trees and sell wood for a living to earn some money. This way, we will reach them too with help for them in funds and the Gospel. We are asking the Lord Yeshua to bless this new outreach. In this way Beryl & all who are involved, we believe we can reach many more. We can dive the mini bus full of these small stoves to reach many folk we have not yet reached. "


" God has put us together please help us in this new outreach. Snows will come and by Mid December, we will not be able to drive through the ice and snow and temperatures are dropping now already. "

if any are led to give they can give via the account below. I will get it to them.

Acct name.... Lions Gate House ( Lloyds Bank )

Acct number.... 79607560

Sort Code....30-96-26

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