Brethren in Christ

It is with an embarrassed sense of urgency that we learned that a Moriel employee, acting independently without the knowledge or approval of The Moriel Board, James Jacob Prasch, Marco Quintanna, David Rosengreen or Krystof Koc, or any Moriel production team member,.designed and web posted a thumbnail graphic for the current 'Catching Up With Jacob' that we find disturbing.

Upon being informed of it, Jacob Prasch described it as "inappropriate and stupid", and directed its immediate removal.

Moriel team members share the sense of offense by several viewers who rightly contacted us. The image was one of maternal child delivery in a jovial (not clinical) context. While supposedly intended as an illustration of the scriptural reference to 'the Beginning of Birth Pangs' , it made light of the seriousness of the theology, and understandably some female viewers thought it bordering on obscenity and dishonoring of the process of child birth. Moriel cannot condone or excuse the use of such an image and the employee responsible has been dismissed.

We humbly beseech our viewers to please accept our unreserved apologetic regrets. Had we known, we never would have allowed something like this. Once becoming aware of it , we removed it instantly.

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