Blessings in Jesus.

It is not possible to explain a list of events that never even took place, however, we are reminded that The Law of God does not allow a conclusion of guilt without hearing from the ones accused (John 7:51), and we are instructed in God's Word to 'hear both sides' (Proverbs 18:17).

Most believers we know in New Zealand abide by these commands of The Lord; sadly a few do not.

As some of you are aware, Joshua Chavez, who is angered at being morally disqualified from ministry due to his serious sexual sin and a marital scandal that became public knowledge, has launched an absurd attack within one week on two videos totalling more than 7 hours slandering Moriel, RTN TV, John Haller, James Jacob Prasch, Pastor Marco Quintana, Dean Gibson, Pierre Mosely and others.

The outlandish claim that Moriel and its leadership is under some investigation by the FBI and cyber crime authorities is not only a baseless lie, but a ridiculous one. The altogether false allegations on these videos , much of it inventing groundless charges of financial impropriety, are ludicrous and easily disproven.

Moriel is duly and legally registered with the NZ IRD, with fully audited accounts submitted to them by our charter accountants from the independent Christian firm 'Cloud Accounting'. (Other Moriel branches are likewise registered with fully audited legal accounts in those countries , including with the American IRS and The British Charities Commission, etc.)

Moriel is prepared to furnish any of our regular Kiwi supporters with full access to these legally audited accounts upon request. Moriel has but one bank account in NZ, and these hideous and defamatory claims of impropriety by this morally discredited individual by any of our team are absolutely outrageous . There is a litany of additional of doctrinal and ethical issues regarding this demonstrably false accuser beginning with his pavement protests in New York against the Time Square Church (founded by David Wilkerson).


Oddly, Joshua Chavez was apprehended operating spoof websites under the name of “Lydia” (which he was compelled to admit to), yet erroneously accuses RTN TV and Moriel of something he was caught perpetrating himself. His partner, Amos Farrell, has likewise admitted to spoofing (Amos Farrell was fired by Moriel for hiding his divorce and remarriage, and was thrown off of RTN TV for posting obscenity (the F-word) on RTN's Christian Facebook page).

All Moriel material is posted for free download on video or podcast with no cost. Old MP3 material with a download cost (still only available on that older format) is being progressively phased out as wqe re-record the older teaching for free download. Our regular subscribers are aware of this. We give everything we do away , and this has been our policy for several years once we began Moriel TV.


There was a hiatus of Moriel in New Zealand when our New Zealand administrator Nigel Nicholson went to be with The Lord, as we had no suitable administration. Our charity status was allowed to expire and we fulfilled book orders etc. from abroad on an interim basis. Once we had a new administration in place, Moriel NZ re-registered with the NZ government IRD in full accordance with law under the supervision of our independent Christian accountants. This was nothing more than a temporary action following the departure of Nigel until a new administration was in place. That is all, as the audited accounts dating back to 2017 show.


As was announced in a public statement by the Moriel Australia Board at the time , acting on legal advice, a public report was issued detailing the actions of a now deceased administrator in Australia, who, over a period of time , sadly took incremental amounts of money. Because the sums were not large, but accumulated over a period of time, only the audit by the new Australian Administrators revealed the theft. The Australian authorities were immediately of course notified, as was our lawyer. No one had any awareness of this as it was hidden, and once the initial inquiry was completed, the new Moriel Board circulated a published apologetic account of what transpired. There was never any attempt at non-disclosure; it was all openly reported, and the civil authorities were informed promptly.


The charges on this video contain lie upon lie, and nothing more. It is an embittered sexual predator and a serial liar (we have documented testimony from his wife) scripturally ineligible for ministry on a rampage against those who uphold the clear teaching of God's Word concerning the sanctity of Holy Matrimony.


Any Moriel supporter in New Zealand needing to see our audited accounts filed with the NZ IRD is welcome to contact us.

(We would additionally point those interested to the video on RTN TV entitled : 'The Fall of Joshua 'Lydia' Chavez”).

Sincerely In Christ,

James Jacob Prasch

John 7:51 & Proverbs 18:17

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