Among other issues, there is no place for a supposedly ordained Christian minister web posting four letter vulgarity (the "F Word) onto the internet. Such profanity posted on Social Media is a negative witness for Christ and dishonoring to any ministry to tolerate such profanity. We were forced to deal with this issue before with Chris & Joshua Rosebrough in the USA, and now with Amos Farrell in the UK.

Some months ago, Moriel was compelled to discharge Amos Farrell from its team, and now for reasons unrelated to Moriel (or Jacob Prasch), RTN TV Scotland has been forced to do the same. In his anger at being dismissed, Amos Farrell has resorted to a video rampage alleging all manner of ridiculous, (and easily dis-proven) claims , that RTN is finished (actually RTN is doing rather well), and that Moriel is likewise (Moriel, by God's Grace is doing extremely well). We reject his diatribes as  non factual.

This kind of behavior and the casual foul language that accompanies it, should not be unacceptable to any Christ honouring Christian organization. We do not believe The Lord wants us associated with this kind of thing. 


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