The Lord took me to Hosea 13: 14 this morning in my devotions before I opened my email and learned from John, in the USA, that Steve went to be with the Lord. The text struck me: ‘Oh, Death - where is thy sting? Oh, Grave where is thy victory?’ (1 Corinthians 15:53-58).

'The last enemy to be destroyed is Death'

Praise God that Jesus died our death to give us His Life Eternal.

Praise God that He has abolished death; that is 'katargeo'' : (Rendered “Death Inoperative”) due to the certain Hope of The Resurrection.

Praise God that Steve is with Jesus and no longer suffers from pneumonia, Coved 19, diabetes, or cancer and wouldn't want to come back even if God allowed him to.


Praise God that Steve will be back better than new for 1,000 Years to an earth better than this fallen one and that we will be with him as Jesus reigns.

Praise God that in this age of reprobation and apostasy and the coming antichrist Steve has been blessed with going home early.

Indeed we can and should thankfully praise God for all of these things.

Though this painful separation is but temporary, my soul grieves for Steve's beloved Supriya and precious little daughter Malia.

The Word of God tells us that 'The Lord is near to those who mourn'. Psalm 34:18 & Matthew 5:4

The God of all comfort will see them through this awful bereavement and secure their future
until they and we are with our friend and brother Steve again.

James Jacob Prasch


In Jesus,

J. Jacob Prasch
(Moriel Ministries)

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